
from chaos to information

At explicitdata.art, we revive your data by creating impactful data visualizations. 

Between data design and data art, our expertise will facilitate your decision process.

From the decision making based on your data – bias free guaranteed – to the illustration for people’s support enhancement



Based on your data, we build the right visualization that help you to decide and transform your company.


Starting from your data and learn how to create stunning datavisualizations and make data speak.


Using your data to create a customized datavisualization or choose from the gallery to bring data art in your life.

At the heart of every business day, we navigate through a sea of decisions – 10,000 on average.

While many are intuitive, the pivotal moments, those critical 10 to 20 choices, often arise at work within tight timeframes, surrounded by numerous biases.

This is where explicitdata.art comes in, leveraging the power of data design to cast a spotlight on your data. Our mission is to accelerate your understanding to empower faster and informed decision-making.

In the world of business, every action counts, and we’re here to illuminate the path, ensuring your team comprehends the ‘why’ behind every strategic move. Let’s transform your data into a strategic advantage!

Features & Benefits​

Data design and more


Your data, your context, your goal, your image to be confident in your decision making process.


You will be involved, challenged, supported and followed up to ensure that it serves your purpose.


Key success factor to get insights and conclusions : storytelling with bias prevention and data quality granted.

Frequently Asked Questions

Data design makes your data speak by designing graphs and numbers in a way that facilitate comprehension and decision making. It’s business and action oriented. While data art is an art expression based on data. Not necessarily to understand or decide. Just express a phenomenon, a story by using data in an aesthetic manner to create emotion.

A data designer may be a data artist but the opposite is not necessarily true. 

There is a high probability that you create data in your business : sales, turnover, visits, trials… Even HR ! Those data are a precious asset to help you in improving each of your business fields. How ? By providing you designed information that help the comprehension and so, the decisions. You can also use to help people understand why you took this decision – change management and team support.

Do you need to :

Make a decision while you don’t know how to use your data or extract the information you ? 

Learn how to practice data design ? 

Admire a beautiful data art or design based on your own data ?

Just send me a message with your need in the contact form below and let’s have a chat about it !

I used data design on different topics and business fields : marketing, IT, finance, legal, automotive industry, retail… here are some use cases I worked on, each time with a business purpose : car driving experience to choose the best vehicle configuration, part of revenue to find business optimization, part of the land with forest, movie key factor of success, country introduction, State debt exploration, artist analysis

For more illustration, you can visit the our portfolio